domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2010

Andres Oppenheimer's view over Haiti

Dear friends, since I have read the book by this argentinian author ( Saving the Americas: The Dangerous Decline of Latin America ) I have been looking for lucid reading in his articles at the Miami Herald.

Now he offers an objective view, as well a very unpopular suggestion, over the recovery needs of Haiti.
When I attended a seminar over that country in November 2006, UN officials have said it, the opening of the lecture that we would strive for the grandchildren of a baby shown in a picture they presented, had a decent future.

I understand that the essence of the Marshall Plan is a realistic and mature exit although, indeed, a very difficult subject to discuss, as all countries that compete with resources for Haiti's economic recovery hould be accountable to their voters and companies in the certainty that the expenditures are investments in sustainable recovery that weak economy.

Financial aid in short term shoud be a good solution, but bet on the economy and invest in a country where almost nothing grows in their soil is a challenge to be taken in the next thirty years.

A good subject to reflect at this very point.

Haiti needs a version of the Marshall Plan -- now


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